Friday, December 24, 2010

Update from Foursquarehaiti

I received an update from foursquarehaiti conveying the reality of serving in Haiti. It was very encouraging in that there has been no cholera outbreaks at base camp and rebuilding process is progressing as planned. Keep me in your prayers. It looks like the trip is a go.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Month to Go

I am counting down the days when I leave for Haiti. I decided to purchase travel insurance. I may be overly cautious but the dangers in Haiti are very real. There is a real possibility that the trip will be delayed. You may have heard on the news that there has been riots in the streets following the presidential elections. The people claimed election fraud. I have heard how amazing America is in that our transfer of power is peaceful even when we go from one party to another. That is not the case elsewhere in the world. More so in Haiti. Unless a candidate gets at least 50% of the vote, the top two candidates go to a run off. That is the case now in Haiti. The second runner up by just .1% of the vote is the handpicked candidate from the current president and the people are very suspicious that it was fraud since the third runner up was the people's favorite. So they rioted, put of blockades out of the earthquake rubble and burned tires in the streets, the city came to a standstill and American Airlines had to cancel flights because workers could not get to the airport. The runoff election is January 16, just 5 days before our trip. In the meantime, Cholera is at an all time high killing now over 2,500 Haitians.

Rest assured, I am going with a very experienced team and feel confident that I am safe with the decisions they make. My role is to do what I am asked to do and serve as Christ's hand extended to a very hurting people. I especially feel impressed to serve at the school. Please continue to pray for me and the team. We will need your support.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


just received a three page document from foursquarehaiti outlining the do's and dont's while in country. they warned that security is not guaranteed. while base camp is fairly secure we need to be prepared for living with very needy people. my biggest concern at this point is prayer coverage. i know i have lots of friends covering me but i need to remember to pray whenever i feel anxious. i know as time gets closer to my leaving i will become more anxious. I am going with an experienced team from Grace Foursquare. I am feeling more connected with each team meeting. Let me know you are praying.

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's all set

I am finally going to Haiti. I am leaving January 21-30, 2011. I have been preparing for months. I am going with a team from Grace Foursquare. I pray everyday for those I will meeting there.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


i fill out the application for a mission trip to Haiti. Quite extensive. just need to get my senior pastor's recommendation and come up with funds to go.